Thursday, April 14, 2011


Yesterday was better than the beginning of this week.

- I had no junk food whatsoever.
- I didn't binge on peanuts
Bad Areas
- ate a slice of banana bread and had no conscience when I bought it sneakily while I 'went out to get the letters'
- had two cans of coconut water. 1L of coconut water. That is way too much even thought it was about 1000kJ.
- had far too much for dinner. I still had way too many spring rolls and peanuts but not as bad as usual.

Today got off to a bad start.
- had two red bean buns, but didn't eat the flour on the outside.
- I know banana bread is bad for me. It's basically cake that sounds healthy.
- I'm not eating any dinner tonight as a way of compensation.
- I'm going for a 40  min run/jog today when I get home, practising pointe during the news and doing the full blown ULBHT set which I have to do today because it's been three days since I did it last.

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