Monday, April 11, 2011

food to stay away from

It's surprising. I haven't had hot chips in a while. I figure they're useless little strips of carbs and fat.
I'm only ever going to allow myself to eat super dark chocolate.

Foods to stay away from
1. All those Chinese buns
Why:white starches in the bun flour and there is so little filling which can sometimes be sickly sweet.

2. hot chips
Why: As I was explaining before, they're just starch, carbs and fat that are really salty and burn your fingers.

3. any form of chocolate except more than 75% dark chocolate (chocolate bunnies, chocolate chips, chocolate bars, chocolates in boxes, chocolate blocks, hot chocolate
Why: no nutritional value, sickly sweet, leaves you feeling bloated, carbs, sugars, fats

4. cakes - birthday cakes, chocolate cake, cupcakes, brownies
Why: The cake bit is actually just so tasteless and it's just full of unnecessary starches, carbs and sugars, even fruit cakes are deceiving. They just pile on the whipped cream.

5. any sort of pastries - croissants, mille-feuilles, tarts
Why: full of butter, shortening, sugar

6. biscuits, cookies
Why:  full of sugar, butter, icing

7. ice cream except sorbet
Why: don't taste that great after a while, there are other nicer ways to stay cool in summer

8. nuts: brazil nuts, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts. only ones allowed: almonds and walnuts for fatty acids and only 3/day max
Why: often are salted, full of fats, become very addictive

9. fatty, sugary breakfast items: pancakes, bacon rashers, fried or scrambled eggs (only poached or boiled), hash browns
Why: full of fat, sugar, don't give me any energy whatsover to start off the day. I can't believe I used to eat cake for breakfast. No wonder I got hungry by the time I had lunch, which I would wolf down.

10. quiches, frittatas
Why: full of butter, fats, pastry, squidgy cheese that doesn't even taste nice, hardly any vegies even if it's "spinach/mushroom quiche". basically a slice of savoury cake, the cheese is never a low-fat type

11: whipped cream
Why: basically whipped up fat + sugar

12. traditional afternoon tea items: scones, caramel slices, tarts
Why: the regular mixture of fat, sugars and carbs

13. dried fruit
Why: concentrated sugar disguised as being 'healthy', doesn't make you full, often has been soaked in a sugary solution

14. donuts
Why: easy!!!!!!! fried blob of sugar, white starches and fat THEN ADD some fatty butter and sugar mixture called icing on top, add some sprinkles or put some sugar loaded jam inside TA-DAA the fat bomb
15. soft drinks
Why: never really liked them away; sickly sweet, tooth-achingly sweet, make your nose feel funny, loaded with sugar, 'diet' soft drinks filled with artificial sweeteners

16. assorted lollies - gummy lollies, M&Ms, fake teeth, bananas, milk bottles, snakes, teddy bears, sour worms etc
Why: so much sugar it's unbelievable

17. hot cross buns: plain, fruit and chocolate
Why: they are a shitload of a sweet bread variety with choc/fruit added in so sparsely there's no point

1 comment:

  1. All these foods look amazing! I eat healthy, but have most of the above items in small amounts. We are all big children :))
