Monday, April 11, 2011

Tomorrow - Chinese workshop - calorie laden chinese food

So today was a really bad day AGAIN. And I made a promise to myself to not overeat and eat unnecessary fatty calories AGAIN starting tomorrow AGAIN.

Tomorrow is the Chinese workshop and there will be delicious Chinese food which I will not overload on even though it will be open to amount.

The amount of calories in Chinese takeaway is staggering so it's something to stay away from. PLUS then there's Sam party where there will probablyl be plenty of party ie junk food so I'm going to have to lay off that too.

I can exercise willpower. I've done it before.

I WILL CONQUER THIS MOUNTAIN. Also, I've been really pissed at Eve lately. I feel like I'm slipping away from the group again. I think people see as a boring dry nerd who doesn't know how to socialise. No one's ever really bothered to have a real conversation with me. The only people I would call a friend would be Christine Chen and Veronica. If only I got to talk to Veronica more often. =(

Friendships suck, unless you commit to them. For me, phone bills and all sorts of other things always seem to stand in the way. It sucks big time.

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